This collection of links covers general Japan info sites and professional news sites.
There are a bunch of 'Japan portals' out there that all give you a ton of links to similar sites...I hope to give you some pointers to a few of the more informative sites...
The Japan FAQ
The Complete Guide to Working, Visiting, and Living in Japan.
Japan FAQ Annex
Written by the author of the Japan FAQ. Info on Japanese manners, advice on getting
a job teaching English in Japan (EFL/ESL), Japanese culture, and more.
Japan Information Network
This site has been set up by the Japan Center for Intercultural Communications (JCIC)
and offers all kinds of information about the society, culture, education and other
aspects of Japan. This web site has been made possible with the cooperation of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Catch up on the latest domestic information
about Japan from this site!
Kansai Time Out
Local magazine for us foreign types in the Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto vicinity.
J@pan Inc.
An English language magazine focusing on business and technology in Japan
DMOZ Japan Link Collections
Open Directory Project's collection of Japan links sites
These sites all have English content:
NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)
Asahi Shimbun Tokyo-to, Tokyo
Chubu Weekly Aichi-ken, Nagoya
Chugoku Shimbun Hiroshima-ken, Hiroshima
Daily News Nagoya Aichi-ken, Nagoya
Fukuoka Globe Fukuoka-ken, Fukuoka
Kumanichi Shimbun Kumamoto-ken, Kumamoto
Kyoto Globe Kyoto-fu, Kyoto
Kyoto Shimbun Kyoto-fu, Kyoto
Mainichi Shimbun Tokyo-to, Tokyo
Metropolis Tokyo-to, Tokyo
Minami-Nippon Shimbun Kagoshima-ken, Kagoshima
Nishinippon Shimbun Fukuoka-ken, Fukuoka
Okinawa Globe Okinawa-ken, Naha
Okinawa Times Okinawa-ken, Naha
Osaka Globe Osaka-fu, Osaka
Osaka Shimbun Osaka-fu, Osaka
Ryukyu Shimpo Okinawa-ken, Naha
Tokyo Broadcasting System Tokyo-to, Tokyo
Tokyo Globe Tokyo-to, Tokyo
Tokyo Weekly Tokyo-to, Tokyo
Yokohoma Post Kanagawa-ken, Yokohoma
Yomiuri Shimbun Tokyo-to, Tokyo
Posted by Bill at October 23, 2004 6:17 PM |
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