It can be confusing trying to get Japanese to work on your PC, but luckily there are a lot of other people out there that had the same problem and put up some resources to help out. This is not a comprehensive guide, but rather links to sites I found that can help you use Japanese on your system.
Japanisation FAQ
For computers running Western Windows, this FAQ describes available software to
help use Japanese on your system.
Enabling Japanese Support on Windows 2000
How to set up bilingual options on your English version of Windows 2000.
Japanese with English Windows
Good step-by-step guides to setting up Windows to work with Japanese.
in Japanese
Some good info on how to use Japanese on your English system
Surfing the Web in Japanese
A 1999 guide to web surfing in Japanese with Internet Explorer and Outlook/Outlook
Global IME support
in Communicator 4.72
Netscape supports Global IME protocols and offers limited input support for
these languages in Communicator with the use of Microsoft Global IME modules which
can be obtained from the Microsoft site.
Frank Tang's Netscape Communicator
4.0 Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn Secrets
For those of you diehard Netscape fans that want your "classic" software to surf
the non-English web, check this page to tune up Communicator's ability to see languages
other than the ones on your system. Lot's of links to Internationalization standards.
Global IME (free)
Microsoft's Internet Explorer 5.x allows you to download language components for
a number of Asian languages including Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese
and others. These add-ons will enable you to view and input text into Web forms
and e-mail messages on any language version of Windows ME Windows 98, Windows 95,
and Windows NT 4.0, if you are running IE5.
Microsoft Office XP has its own Global IME that will let you input Japanese, Chinese or Korean into any Office XP application. If you do a lot of multilingual work, Office XP can simplify a lot.
Ichitaro for English
Windows (¥)
Ichitaro is a very popular Japanese word processor for use on Japanese operating
systems, but this one is for an English OS.
UnionWay AsianSuite (¥)
This software lets you use Japanese, Chinese and Korean in thousands of Windows
applications under English or other languages Windows systems.
TwinBridge Japanese Partner (¥)
This software allows you to use Japanese characters in all your Windows applications.
NJSTAR Japanese Word Processor
Japanese word processor for users of all language levels. Good tool for Japanese
learning and teaching.
Japanese WordMage (¥)
A multilingual word processor, HTML web page editor, kanji reference dictionary,
and text translation aid.
RJ (Read Japanese!) (¥)
Windows application lets you read Japanese text, display Japanese characters, identify
Kanji characters and to look up words in a dictionary.
KanjiKit (¥)
Japanese support utility for Windows that lets you browse Japanese websites, send
Japanese e-mail, andinput Japanese in English applications.
JWPce Japanese Word
Processor (free)
Japanese word processor with an online dictionary, a kanji lookup by radical and
a number other useful features.
Fix mojibake e-mail
Do you ever get illegible Japanese e-mail? This site has tools to help render the
JIS and Unicode gobbledygook some non-Japanese e-mail clients can render.
Shodouka (free)
A free service that lets you view pages containing Japanese characters without requiring
Japanese language support in your browser or operating system.
ACCESS-J (free)
Monash University service similar to Shodouka that lets you see Japanese content
without requiring Japanese software on your system.
Posted by Bill at April 5, 2003 6:01 PM |
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